Monday 14 October 2013

3 Natural Means Make Red Lip Flushed

Regardless of skin color, women definitely want lip color and blushes. currently many women use beauty products made from chemicals to make the lips look pinkish in color. Here's how to make the lips more blushes in a natural way:

1. cold milk and turmeric combine cold milk with turmeric, then apply this mixture on the lips leave for 5 mins then wash clean. do this for a week

2. rose petals blend of rose petals, then use on lips, this way not only makes your lips look blushes but juda maintaining healthy lips

3. sugar and lemon combine sugar and lemon to peel off dead skin dibibir you with peeling of dead skin that is dark, the skin of your lips will become more smooth and reddish colored, but do not rub the lips too hard may hurt because the skin very thin lips.
good luck,.

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